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Charging and discharging

When you connect the battery to the RoboHeart, it is automatically supplied with power/voltage.

If you connect a USB current/voltage source and the battery voltage is below 2.73 V and the total current consumption is below 1 A, the battery is automatically charged and the Charging LED lights up. There is a seamless transition to charging (without resetting the ESP32), while the rest of the board and the connected peripherals continue to operate with current/voltage. We have removed the annoying switching between charging and discharging known from other boards and made using RoboHeart + battery as easy as using a smartphone.

When the battery reaches a voltage of 4.19 V, fast charging stops until a voltage of 4.23 V is reached. At approximately this voltage the RoboHeart attempts to keep the battery voltage constant and the Charging LED stops lighting up, as this process is no longer regarded by the RoboHeart as a charging process.

If the RoboHeart is powered by a rechargeable battery, the battery is discharged to a voltage of 3.0 V. Below this voltage, RoboHeart automatically switches off the battery to prevent deep discharge and permanent damage to the battery. Nevertheless, it is advisable to either charge discharged batteries immediately or at least disconnect them from RoboHeart.

When a fully charged battery is connected to the RoboHeart, it must not exceed the voltage of 4.23V, otherwise it will not be accepted by the RoboHeart.

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