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Attention!!! Safety information

!!! Attention! Always try to keep the cables from the battery to the RoboHeart as short and as thick as possible (at least AWG 20 or less).

The RoboHeart starts charging a connected battery very slowly from 2.73 V (with 20 mA).

  • Please observe the battery manufacturer's instructions as to whether the battery can be charged at such a low voltage!
  • From 2.97 V, the charging current circuit switches to fast charging mode. The charging current switch (see Figure 11) gives you information about the charging current in fast charging mode. If the switch is in the 0.2A position, the battery is charged from 2.97 V with 0.2 A. If the switch is in the 0.7A position, the battery is charged at 0.7 A from 2.97 V.
  • Do not use the 0.7 A lightly! The RoboHeart cannot recognize whether your battery is suitable for such a high charging current. Always check the battery manufacturer's instructions regarding the charging current. Otherwise there is a risk of fire and explosion!
  • If the charging LED starts flashing, something is wrong with the battery. You must remove the battery immediately if the charging LED flashes twice per second.


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